2020 Publisher News: March Monthly Recap
March Theme: Romance March has been an incredible month, our theme was Romance, but it didn’t get as much love as I would have liked. Due to most of the world going into self-isolation we…
March Theme: Romance March has been an incredible month, our theme was Romance, but it didn’t get as much love as I would have liked. Due to most of the world going into self-isolation we…
Inspirational Romance An Article For Readers: Step into the World of Inspirational Romance Novels By Regina Andrews Step into the world of Inspirational Romance novels and take a voyage through the entire spectrum of…
It has been too long since I read these books (or watched the televised version)…
Who knew the difference would be THAT important!
I sound like this when I’ve had too much stress and not enough sleep…
First of a few for this month:) If you haven’t seen this British SciFi comedy show you really should! It is hilarious. Even if the first episodes are 30 years old now (ah, I remember…