Jumping into Trouble Series Boxed Set

Jumping Into Trouble Series by Margaret Pearce

Jumping into Trouble Series cover spread

All John cares about is his blue heeler dog and horses–only he can’t get his parents to understand the absolute necessity of owning a high-spirited Arab. When a horse that looks like a refugee from an equine slaughterhouse is given to him, John is thrilled and believes the ungainly gelding is exactly what he’s always longed for. With his dog and horse, all that’s ahead are exciting and enjoyable adventures together!

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Jumping Into Trouble Series Book 1: Wanted! A Horse 3d coverBook 1: Wanted! A Horse

John wants a horse, and his parents are unsympathetic to his plight. Only Jenny understands and so she offers to share her own fat pony with him. As a result of one of their adventures, John gets his own horse at last…but it’s then that his problems really start. How in the world can he earn enough money to take care of a horse on his own when he’s constantly (and literally) being “dogged” by trouble in the shape of a small blue heeler?Read More

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GENRE: Mid-grade Reader     ISBN: 9781921314834    ASIN: B003ZYEV58


Jumping Into Trouble Series Book 2: Circus Runaways 3d coverBook 2: Circus Runaway

Sawdust flying from the hooves of dancing horses, glittering acrobats swinging high up on the trapeze, fanfares and braided jackets: The excitement of the circus turns a miserable winter into a season of surprises for runaway John, his dog Blue, and his horse Roanie. Life in the circus ring is just as eventful as John’s own for circus folk are different, wonderful, funny…but sometimes dangerous. Buy from Amazon buttonRead More

GENRE: Mid-Grade Reader     ISBN: 978-1-920972-64-6    ASIN: B0043XXI4K

Jumping into Trouble Series Book 3: Missing! A Horse 3d coverBook 3: Missing! A Horse

The most dreadful thing that can ever happen to a horse owner has happened to John and Berry. Their horses are lost, strayed or stolen! Or have unscrupulous thieves sold them?  The two boys stumble from one misadventure after another in their effort to find their stolen horses.

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GENRE: Mid-Grade Reader     ISBN: 9781921636028    ASIN: B00408ANHS

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