Avoid a Sagging Middle by Dee Lloyd

Avoid a Sagging Middle by Dee Lloyd

AVOID A SAGGING MIDDLE   By DEE LLOYD   No middle should sag. The dragging, sagging pace of the middle of a romance is every bit as unattractive as the lax muscles of a person’s…

Blurb Writing Series, Part 2: Crafting Blurbs Overview by Karen Wiesner

Blurb Writing Series, Part 2: Crafting Blurbs Overview by Karen Wiesner

Crafting Blurbs Overview by Karen Wiesner   Back Cover Blurbs A back cover blurb can be anywhere from one to four paragraphs. If the whole package is short and punchy, as we’ve said, it’s practically…

Article: Choosing a Setting: Real or Fiction by Deborah Nolan

How to Choose a Setting: Real or Fiction by Deborah Nolan

  Choosing a Setting: Real or Fiction By Deborah Nolan   It’s been said that location is another character in a story.  I think that’s true if the setting is described well enough and with…

Writing: Dynamic Beginnings (1 of 2) by Will Greenway

How To Write Dynamic Beginnings (1 of 2) by Will Greenway

Dynamic Beginnings (1 of 2) By Will Greenway The opening of your novel or short story is crucial. It must be well written, catchy, and evocative. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, your opening…

Writing: Scene business, style, and dialogue by Will Greenway

Scene business, style, and dialogue by Will Greenway

Scene business, style, and dialogue By Will Greenway Viewpoint is one the most important aspects of writing. It is the eye through which readers see your work. Creating a strong viewpoint “presence” within your story…

The Stuff Series are Made of by Karen Wiesner

The Stuff Series are Made of by Karen Wiesner

  The Stuff Series Are Made Of By Karen S. Wiesner   “The disease of writing is dangerous and contagious,” Abelard famously said to Heloise. So, too, can a book series become a relentless obsession: It’s…

World Building, Not Just for Genre Writers

World Building, Not Just for Genre Writers by Will Greenway

Writing: World Building, not just for genre writers By Will Greenway Overview When we see the term “world building”, many writers tend to associate this concept with genre fiction, specifically science fiction, fantasy, and often…

Writing: Dynamic Beginnings (2 of 2) by Will Greenway

Writing: Dynamic Beginnings (2 of 2) by Will Greenway

Dynamic Beginnings (2 of 2) By Will Greenway If you read the material on Dynamic Beginnings and the 8 rules for starting a novel or short story, this article contains additional “starter” tips and some…