Articles on the Blog


Articles on the Blog


Our writing articles are divided by Genre (because WEE is focused mostly on our readers) and at the end, we have writing advice articles specifically for writers.

These genre articles are aimed for a reader’s perspective, but will also have great information for writers hoping to write in these specific genres as well. The subjects are in alphabetical order and we are trying to keep about the same number of articles in each section.


Children’s Fiction (Primary School):

From Page to Screen: Children’s Books That Became Great Movies

Heroes and Heroines: Empowering Characters in Children’s Fiction

Learning Through Stories: Educational Themes in Children’s Books

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Christian Fiction:

Exploring the Themes of Redemption in Christian Fiction: A Reader’s Perspective by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

Finding Hope in Dystopian Christian Fiction: A Dual Perspective

Navigating Doubt and Uncertainty Through Christian Non-Fiction by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

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Comedy/Humorous Fiction:


Comic Relief: How Humorous Books Can Relieve Stress and Boost Mood

Exploring Absurdism in Literature: Books That Make You Think and Laugh

Laugh Out Loud: The Funniest Moments in Classic Literature

The Art of Writing Comedy: Insights from Bestselling Authors

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An Analysis of Magic Systems in Fantasy Novels: Unveiling the Enchanting World of Imagination (from a reader’s perspective)

The Influence of Gothic Fiction on Paranormal Fiction by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

The Role of Protagonists in Fantasy Literature

Unveiling the Supernatural Symphony: The Crucial Role of Dialogue in Paranormal Fiction

Varieties of Vampires by Margaret L. Carter

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The Best Historical Fiction Novels of All Time by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

The Impact of Historical Events on Historical Fiction: A Journey Through Time by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

The Role of the Protagonist in Historical Fiction Novels: A Reader’s Perspective

The Use of Humor in Historical Fiction Writing: A Reader’s Delight

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Holiday and Seasonal Stories: Books That Capture the Spirit

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Literary Style Courts Thrillers by Linda Kasten

The Mystery of Whodunit: A Deep Dive into the Classic Mystery Structure

The Power of Red Herrings in Mystery Novels: A Double-Edged Sword for Writers and Readers

What are “Mystery”, “Thriller” and “Suspense” Genres?

What is a “cozy” Mystery? By Christine DeSmet

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A Case for Worst Boys By Klara Raškaj

Confessions of a Romance Writer and Reader by Deborah Nolan

How I Became an Author of Erotica by Simone Leigh

Inspirational Romance: An Article for Readers by Regina Andrews

The Power of Chemistry in Romantic Relationships: An Alchemical Connection that Ignites Hearts

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Science Fiction:

An Analysis of Futuristic Technologies in Science Fiction Novels by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

The Evolution of Science Fiction: From Jules Verne to Isaac Asimov by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

The Impact of Science on Science Fiction Worlds

The Role of Time Travel in Science Fiction Novels: A Reader’s Journey Through Time

Why I Write Science Fiction and Fantasy By Jeffrey G. Roberts

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Writing Advice Column:

Note: The following are articles that are purely writing advice, and probably only of interest to writers. Articles that have writing advice for specific genres but may also resonate with readers of that genre, are listed under the Genre Headings above rather than listed below. So make sure you check those titles too 🙂

Advance Your Career by Creating Story Folders by Karen S. Wiesner

Advice for New Authors by Karen S. Wiesner

Arrested Development by Karen S. Wiesner

Avoid a Sagging Middle by Dee Lloyd

Avoid Rejection… An Editor’s Checklist by Dee Lloyd

Beyond Villains — Addressing Antagonists in Detail

Blurb Writing Series, Part 1: Judge a Book by its Back Cover Blurb by Karen Wiesner

Blurb Writing Series, Part 2: Crafting Blurbs Overview by Karen Wiesner

Deep, Multi-Faceted Development and Progression of Romantic Relationships By Karen S. Wiesner

How to Choose a Setting: Real or Fiction by Deborah Nolan

How to Start Writing a Book from Scratch By Writers Exchange E-Publishing

How to Write Police Mystery Thrillers: Getting it Right! By John Schembra

The Stuff Series are Made of by Karen Wiesner

Where do we find our heroes? by Deborah Nolan

How To Write Dynamic Beginnings (1 of 2) by Will Greenway

Writing: Dynamic Beginnings (2 of 2) by Will Greenway

World Building, Not Just for Genre Writers by Will Greenway

Scene business, style, and dialogue by Will Greenway