Can you Smell Burning 3d cover updated 2023

Can You Smell Burning? by Karen Fainges

Ever had one of those days when your car is nearly totalled by a flying cow and the only clothing you can find during a house fire is an old robe that doesn’t close in…


Karen Fainges

When asked to describe herself, Karen Fainges says teacher, wife, mother and writer, though not necessarily in that order. The Shaytonian chronicles were born one day as a story to keep her cousin and sister…

The Shayton Chronicles Book 1: Destiny Sets 2 covers

The Shayton Chronicles Book 1: Destiny Sets by Karen Fainges

Lightning sears a scene against the eye. Trapped between reality and death, every scrap of life is fighting for existence. To stop fighting is to die. Some precious moments of peace can be stolen from…

The Shayton Chronicles Book 2: Tamal's Journeys 2 covers

The Shayton Chronicles Book 2: Tamal’s Journeys by Karen Fainges

Lightning sears a scene against the eye. Trapped between reality and death, every scrap of life is fighting for existence. To stop fighting is to die. Some precious moments of peace can be stolen from…

The Shayton Chronicles Book 3: The Children of Tamal 2 covers

The Shayton Chronicles Book 3: The Children of Tamal by Karen Fainges

Lightning sears a scene against the eye. Trapped between reality and death, every scrap of life is fighting for existence. To stop fighting is to die. Some precious moments of peace can be stolen from…

The Shayton Chronicles Boxed Set

The Shayton Chronicles by Karen Fainges

Lightning sears a scene against the eye. Trapped between reality and death, every scrap of life is fighting for existence. To stop fighting is to die. Some precious moments of peace can be stolen from…