Trambu by Donna Louise

Trambu of the planet Voel has been given the assignment to observe other planetary systems from the safety of a space mobile. But that’s no fun! Trambu’s compulsive and curious nature leads him into an inescapable, swirling journey plummeting straight to Earth.
Ever one to make lemonade out of lemons, Trambu adapts his original assignment to discovering everything he can about Earth. With his newfound friend Katie, going to school may never be the same for either of them. Soon Trambu begins to wonder if there’s a connection between his home planet and this new, wonderful one.
GENRE: Mid-Grade Reader ISBN: 978-1-920741-55-6 ASIN: B004I8WQPW
Ebook and Print versions currently available exclusively from Amazon:
Chapter One
The Big Landing
I guess you’re wondering how I arrived here on Earth. Well, it all began when I was given an assignment. I was to take my spacemobile outside my planetary system to carefully and safely observe other planetary systems. That meant I was supposed to look at them, NOT enter them. But while I was looking at your planetary system and observing the cosmic images floating across my panel screen, there appeared the most wild looking planet I ever saw! It had swirls of white, blue, and green. I had to get a closer look.
Yes, I was warned that I should never get my spacemobile too close to a planet outside my universe or it might just suck it in. I really didn’t believe it. What did it mean that a planet would “suck it in”? Well, I certainly found out.
My spacemobile began to shake slightly at first. Then the vibrations became more intense and the rumbling noise that started off as a low groan grew louder and louder. I wondered if it had something to do with the size of my spacemobile. After all, the Pinderbay model was one of the smallest spacemobiles, but I liked it that way.
However, at that moment, my Pinderbay spacemobile was not doing what it should do. It was not flying where I wanted it to fly and I knew I was in trouble. I did everything I could to regain control. I shouted commands. “Level! Level!” But it didn’t level off. I shouted, “Reverse! Reverse!” But my Pinderbay continued in whatever direction it chose.
In front of me was the panel screen. The view of your planet, something I was studying and admiring only moments ago, had turned into a whirling, swirling, blur of blue and green. My Pinderbay was trapped in a spiral suction and I had lost control.
My only hope was to switch to ACE (Automated Control Entry) and see if anything had been programmed into my Pinderbay to get us out of this situation and direct my spacemobile home. My quivering arm frantically aimed for the orange switch and I finally managed to flip it to the “on” position. To my disappointment, nothing happened. Nothing changed. My Pinderbay was still spinning wildly.
Where was I heading? What was the name of this amazing planet? With great difficulty, I maneuvered my wobbly bouncing body to the Destination Identifier switch and flipped it on before I was knocked back to the other side of my Pinderbay (spacemobile). I glared at the screen, which still displayed the fuzzy, swirling, twirling colors of your planet. Then it appeared in flashing blue letters! I couldn’t believe my eyes as I read the destination of my Pinderbay. The bright blue message blinked with great urgency as I read, “DESTINATION EARTH! … DESTINATION EARTH! … DESTINATION EARTH!” And then I heard it, a loud “thump!”
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