A. J. Walker
A.J. Walker is an archaeologist who likes to get to the bottom of things. His training has taught him that under an innocuous field may lie a vanished village, while turning over a simple stone may reveal ancient writing. Finding the hidden under the surface is what archaeology is all about.
It’s what writing is all about too. What makes people do what they do, and feel what they feel? It’s often hard to find that out in the real world, but building a character from the bottom up makes for a satisfying pastime because it takes the writer from cause to effect. Like all writers he has been an avid reader since childhood and it wasn’t long before he took the ideas in his head and put them on paper. When he’s not writing, he likes to explore the natural world. He has a love of long-distance hiking and has recently rediscovered the joys of caving. He has yet to come across any monsters while exploring the underworld, however.
He is the author of Roots Run Deep, a fantasy romance novel published by Double Dragon, and Murder at McMurdo, a mystery novella set in the Antarctic, published by LL-Publications. You can learn more about him, and lots about the Middle Ages, at his blog http://genreauthor.blogspot.com. He also has a twitter feed at @ajwalkerauthor.
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