Ring Realms Universe by Will Greenway

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By Will Greenway

A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 2: 'Neath Odin's Eye


Books in Chronological Order, using the Ring Realms Calendar: 

Year 1100 Savant’s Blood Saga: Shadow of the Avatar 

Year 1102 Savant’s Blood Saga: Hecate’s Bounty 

Year 1105 Savant’s Blood Saga: Aesir’s Blood 

Year 1107 Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot In Time 

Year 1108 Shaladen Chronicles: Anvil of Sorrow 

Year 1109 Reality’s Plaything Saga: Reality’s Plaything 

Year 1109 Reality’s Plaything Saga: ‘Neath Odin’s Eye 

Year 1110 Reality’s Plaything Saga: Eternal’s Agenda 

Year 1110 Reality’s Plaything Saga: Savants Ascendant 

Year 1110 Reality’s Plaything Saga: The Infinity Annihilator 

Year 1111 Ethermancer: Conscript of the Eternals – Coming Soon!

Year 1112 Ethermancer: Consort of the War Goddess 

Year 1115-1116: Ethermancer: The Shape Stealer Conspiracy

Year 1113 Savant’s Blood Saga: Gaea’s Blood 

Year 1114 Shaladen Chronicles: Who Mourns the Creator 

Year 1123 Genemar War Saga: Child of Ascendants 

Year 1123 Genemar War Saga: The Karanganoi Gambit 

Year 1124 Genemar War Saga: The Chyrith Agenda 

Year 1124 Genemar War Saga: Gaea’s Revenge 

Year 1125 Genemar War Saga: The Infinite Child

Ring Reals Timeline prior to Ethermancer release 2024

If you are more inclined to follow a particular character’s storyline and not care to read chronologically the series are: 

Reality’s Plaything Saga:

Fight the gods with Bannor Starfist, the savant of reality, as he ascends from loner to leader, uniting the peoples of the Realms to defend against the Chyrith onslaught.

  1. Reality’s Plaything
  2. ‘Neath Odin’s Eye 
  3. Eternal’s Agenda
  4. Savants Ascendant 
  5. The Infinity Annihilator 

A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga

Series Description:

Imagine finding out that you’re the most powerful savant in all the Ring Realms, and for most of your life, you didn’t have a clue about it. Now suddenly it seems your desires can become reality. All you have to do is want something bad enough. Worse yet, those desires can cause not only your destruction but the destruction of your world and possibly the cosmos itself. You’ve never known any of this–but you’re about to find out!

Discovery is the initial premise of Reality’s Plaything. The hero, Bannor Starfist, is a disillusioned war veteran who haunts the hills far from his birthplace because he’s been disowned. Pressed into service at only fourteen, he and his older brother took part in a losing war between two kingdoms. Bannor made it back. His brother wasn’t as lucky. That fact wasn’t something Bannor’s father could or would accept, and so he banished his remaining son.

Not surprisingly, Bannor is a loner made tough by his early life, further hardened by his knighting as member of Tenax border guardian elite. He’s a man used to relying on himself. But even tough guys get lonely. Finally getting the lucky stroke of a lifetime, he meets a gray Elf Woman, Sarai, while trading in a border town and she takes a shine to him. The Elf lady is a mystery, and it’s obvious (even to Bannor) that she’s a real lady and no common Elf. She proves to be remarkably accommodating and accepts his sparse lifestyle as her own. Not wanting to question his good fortune, Bannor doesn’t ask too many questions and Sarai doesn’t tell. Theirs is a simple start that’s about to get complicated–and thorny.

Troubles roll out with a kidnapping, followed by the minor matter of Bannor being hung. Which leads to another discovery: Bannor is, in fact, the Garmtur Shak’Nola, the savant of reality–and Hecate the moon goddess wants his power for his own…

Fortunately for Bannor, help is on the way in the form of Wren Kergatha, now a veteran advocate for savants, who enters the scene and manages to keep Bannor out of Hecate’s clutches for the time being. Accepting help from a stranger, let alone a woman, isn’t something a self-sufficient man like Bannor can go along with easily. When Hecate’s pet demon joins in the pursuit, he quickly realizes he doesn’t have much of a choice. Matters go from bad to worse given the evil goddesses’ willingness to break ancient covenants to have her prize.

As if Bannor’s headaches aren’t enough, Sarai decides it’s a good time to spring a few secrets and surprises on him…


A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 1: Reality's Plaything 3d coverREALITY’S PLAYTHING, Book 1:

Impossible battles. Unconquerable enemies. A hero with one mission: to win in order to take back his life.

A borderlands scout is propelled on an epic odyssey to rescue (and eventually marry) his kidnapped lover, confront evil gods and goddesses and their minions, and discover the strength and means of controlling his unique, inherited ability to bend reality–a power that, unleashed, could destroy him.

The life Bannor Starfist knows and loves is fractured when the insane moon goddess Hecate learns of his reality-bending power and seeks to capture it for herself. With Hecate’s minions constantly closing in on him, devastating the land and world he loves, he’s joined by Savants like himself, Elves, Humans, and Dwarves in their mutual efforts to resist their enemy’s relentless assault. 

In a life turned upside down, Bannor’s love for Sarai, his elven wife-to-be, is tested by secrets and terrible truths and he struggles to overcome guilt over the death of a brother. Resolve and confidence war with flagging will and imminent despair as Hecate’s marathon of destruction grinds on. How does one man fight a god? Between the rock and the hard place he finds himself in, Bannor Starfist must find a way to destroy his enemy’s dark army and bring an end to an immortal madwoman who seeks to subvert all with the power she intends to steal from him.Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 2: 'Neath Odin's Eye 3d cover‘NEATH ODIN’S EYE, Book 2:

Surviving a battle to the death with a goddess would tax the greatest of heroes, but for Bannor Starfist it proves to be only the beginning of something much worse–a war with a whole pantheon of gods! 

The death of Hecate has triggered a rumble in the Vanir pantheon. AllFather Odin insists Bannor and all his friends must be brought to justice for the crime of murder. 

For the already battered Bannor, the ordeal is only beginning. His Elven fiancee’s Sarai’s mother and sister and all the rest of his friends have been captured and imprisoned in Niflheim, the land of the dead. Somehow, he must find a way to get them out without Odin imprisoning him as well. As if his challenge wasn’t impossible enough, the battle with Hecate has taken away his most powerful weapon: His ability to bend reality… Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga, Book 2: 'Neath Odin's Eye wraparound


A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga, Book 3: Eternal's Agenda 3d cover toned downETERNAL’S AGENDA, Book 3:

Always a catch… For Bannor Starfist, the savant of reality, nothing is ever easy…including getting married.

Fresh from an earth-shattering duel with allfather Odin, Bannor tries to start a new life in Malan with his cherished betrothed, Sarai. He hopes the worst of his troubles will be preparing for the elaborate royal marriage ceremonies. As usual, things don’t go according to plan… 

Creation, annihilation, perpetuity… the words boom in Bannor’s mind through his magical powers. The message is just a precursor to another big mess done Garmtur style. Daena, the savant of attractions turned immortal goddess, is up to something and Advocate Eternal Koass doesn’t like the rumblings. 

Bannor goes to Eternity’s Heart to speak on Daena’s behalf and ends up the Shael Dal’s latest draftee. The Protectorate has a problem. A million bloodthirsty war-mages are running rampant through the Ring Realms, destroying everything they come in contact with. The difficulty is, nobody can find them… except maybe someone with the reality-bending power of the Garmtur Shak’Nola. Bannor agrees to help but quickly learns the hard lesson that no good deed goes unpunished… Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 3: Eternal's Agenda wrap toned down

A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 4: Savants Ascendant 3d coverSAVANTS ASCENDANT, Book 4:

Bannor and Wren are on another adventure, doing what they do best…getting into and out-of trouble. The two savants embark on a simple reconnaissance mission with their new friends from the Shael Dal. Naturally there are the little bumps that make the danger duo’s life so interesting–massacres, spies, and hostile alien assassins… 

At the behest of Koass the eternal, Bannor has pierced the veil of secrecy around the Baronians, and the soldiers of Baronia have a single response: 

Destroy. Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 4: Savants Ascendant


A Ring Realms Novel: Reality's Plaything Saga Book 5: The Infinity Annihilator 3d coverINFINITY ANNIHILATOR, Book 5:

The rogue Kriar Daergons have possession of the ancient Jyril genemar, a weapon capable of destroying all the magic in Eternity–a device so destructive it can be made to slay any creature from a universe away. Bannor Starfist, Savant with the unique ability to bend reality, is just lucky enough to have the weapon aimed at him. In this fifth and final volume of Reality’s Plaything, ultimate powers meet head-on in a devastating battle of mythological proportions. Read More

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Ring Realms Scene


Savant’s Blood Saga:

Follow Liandra Kergathan, the savant of forces, the granddaughter of the war goddess as she reclaims her legacy and fights the powers threatening Eternity.

  1. Shadow of the Avatar
  2. Hecate’s Bounty 
  3. Aesir’s Blood 
  4. Gaea’s Blood 

Series Description:

Young eight-summer-old Liandra Kergatha is stolen from her mother by the agents of the moon-goddess Hecate to be succorund–the forced joining of a mortal to a god. Good fortune intervenes and the ritual is never performed but the child is left alone in an alien world to fend for herself. With no memory of her former life or family, she becomes a street waif everyone knows as ‘Wren’.

More than a decade later, Wren is an elder member of the Brethren Guild, a thieves guild in the ancient city of Corwin. Wren and her partner Grahm have just pulled off the heist of a lifetime with the theft of the Malicent gem. Their success is muted by Wren’s injury by a wizard in their frenzied escape that lands them in the clutches of a rival guild, the Cult of the Dagger, who’ve returned to the city for revenge on the Brethren Guild. 

The battle with the Cult of the Dagger leaves Wren without a partner, injured, and on the run. She seeks refuge with a friend, a priest of Ishtar named Jharon. There in the temple, hurt and grieving the loss of her partner Grahm, she receives the first clues that will lead her toward the truth of who and what she is. From a dream, an amulet in the shape of a phoenix appears around her neck. Engraved on the back of the magic device is one simple word–Liandra.

Wren must not only learn her identity but how she fits into the universe she lives in. As she later discovers, a savant’s sense of self is far more than a name or even a body but a spiritual destiny tied to the very origins of the Ring Realms themselves…


A Ring Realms Novel: Savant's Blood Saga Book 1: Shadow of the Avatar 3d coverBook 1: Shadow of the Avatar

A young girl is stolen from her mother by agents of a jealous goddess, escapes and becomes a street waif known as ‘Wren’ who, decades later, is an elder member of the Brethren Guild, a thieves guild in the ancient city of Corwin.

A battle with a rival Brethren Guild forces Wren to seek refuge in a temple where she receives the first clues that will lead her toward the truth of who and what she is. From a dream, an amulet in the shape of a phoenix appears around her neck. Engraved on the back of the magic device is one simple word–Liandra.

Wren must not only learn her identity but how she fits into the universe she lives in. As she later discovers, a savant’s sense of self is far more than a name or even a body but a spiritual destiny tied to the very origins of the Ring Realms themselves.

Hecate, goddess of the moon and dark magic, wants a new body and eight-summer-old savant Liandra Kergatha has the one she covets. Torn from her mother’s arms, the young girl is spirited away to another world to undergo the ritual of succorunding–the creation of an avatar. Before the procedure can be completed, the temple is attacked and Liandra escapes into the city with the bindings half completed and her name and memories of her former life wiped clean.

Possessing great natural skill and many hidden powers, the young girl becomes known as Wren and perseveres on her own. A decade later Wren is one of the greatest master thieves in Corwin. Unfortunately for Wren after her ordeal as a child, lost is not forgotten. Following a bloody encounter with an avatar, Hecate’s baneful attention is drawn to her once again.

What started with a kidnapping becomes a conflict that escalates into a war involving powerful immortals, wizards, and otherworldly creatures as Wren seeks help and wins favor with the legendary clan of the Felspars. 

To survive the ordeal stretched in front of her, Wren must learn her origins, befriend amazing allies, and tap into the secret powers of her birthright. Even as she rises to the challenge, she discovers Hecate isn’t the only foe gunning for her…Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Savant's Blood Saga Book 2: Hecate's Bounty 3d coverBook 2: Hecate’s Bounty

Imagine you’re one half of a cosmically powerful being. Wren Kergatha, a savant of forces, is heir to the incredible powers of the first ones. Unfortunately, separated from her beta half, her abilities provide little more than token defense against demons and avatars. To make matters worse, the stronger half is bent on devouring her. 

Wren continues her epic quest to regain her memories, family, and heritage. Even with the potent help of the Felspar clan, the young savant of forces finds herself and her allies on the run from the minions of a pantheon lord. 

In order to rescue her parents and brother, Wren must find the lost city of Cosmodarus and confront the evil goddess of the moon. But how can she defeat a creature able to ravage entire worlds?Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Savant's Blood Saga Book 3: Aesir's Blood 3d coverBook 3: Aesir’s Blood

Wren Kergatha defeats Hecate and reclaims her family only to face new challenges. The Kriar have infiltrated Starholme. Then her mentor in G’yaki combat, Vera, suffers a breakdown. As if that’s not enough, her grandmother Idun the pantheon lady wants to start a god war.

While Wren embraces her Aesir heritage, becoming a general like her mother and grandmother, she fights a ground war in the quest to locate Vera’s G’yaki clan. Only then will decades-old wounds heal. 

Alas, being far stronger and accompanied by an army of allies doesn’t stop Wren’s enemies from causing trouble. The only way to set matters right with Vera, herself and her family is to battle dragons, gods, and even a rogue member of the firsts.Read More

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Shaladen Chronicles:

Ride along with the Universal Protectorate and Corim Vale, the shape-changing warrior scholar, as he and his companions defend against threats to reality.

  1. A Knot In Time 
  2. Anvil of Sorrow
  3. Who Mourns the Creator 


Series Description:

Humans long to realize their own potential and some struggle each day to grasp even the smallest fraction of what they could and should be. Corim Vale, the fighting sage, struggles to be a better man, not only for himself but in order to help the less fortunate in the world. An educator, warrior and adventurer, Corm had a gentle heart and a thirst for the unknown. Little does he suspect, the unknown is about to find him and kick him in the teeth…

Corim has applied to the Falorian fighting academy for an instructor position. In order to teach 9th circle fighting he must “interview” with the academy’s master, Talorin Falor a mock duel and demonstration of his fighting skills.

For Corim, one spark that starts an inferno is Beia Targallae, the icy Myrmigyne veteran of the Arcturan death spectacles. Beia is undertaking a mission she needs help to complete. Corim becomes her ally. 

Meanwhile, Meridian Arcturan, the master of the death spectacles plots revenge on Beia and all the members of the Protectorate. He’s gathered a coven of skilled mages, enslaved an incredibly powerful Baronian war mage, and taken a time-traveling Kriar warrior prisoner. With these tools, he intends to destroy time, and day by day he moves closer to his goal even as, unbeknownst to Beia and Corim, the pair find themselves on a collision course with the master of death’s plans. 

Beia and Corim’s attempts to foil Meridian will bring them allies just talented enough to travel in time. In their quest, they meet the escaped Kriar Belkirin Dulcere, now crippled and wracked with guilt over the destruction of time. Together they attempt to set matters right.


A Ring Realms Novel: Shaladen Chronicles Book 1: A Knot in Time 3d coverBook 1: A Knot in Time

Humans long to realize their own potential and some struggle each day to grasp even the smallest fraction of what they could and should be. Corim Vale, the fighting sage, struggles to be a better man, not only for himself but in order to help the less fortunate in the world. An educator, warrior and adventurer, Corim had a gentle heart and a thirst for the unknown. Little does he suspect, the unknown is about to find him and kick him in the teeth…

Corim Vale has spent his life dreaming of visiting other worlds, of learning and bringing education to the masses. One thing stands between him and his lofty goals: The seventh circle challenge against Talorin Falor, the academy headmaster and arguably the strongest man on all of Titaan. 

Known as the “Fighting Sage”, Corim is an explorer and knowledge seeker who uses tournament winnings to fund his research. Ready to push toward loftier ambitions, the warrior-academic seeks the patronage of the powerful academy and gets swept up in a decades old vendetta, a war between ancient races, and a plot to destroy time itself. 

What starts as a dare becomes a race to save the stability of Eternity when Corim’s investigation uncovers the machinations of a team of evil conjurers bent on the destruction of the Chronal Protectorate–even at the cost of their lives and all sentience in the universe…Read More

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A Ring Realms Novel: Shaladen Chronicles Book 2: Anvil of Sorrow 3d coverBook 2: Anvil of Sorrow

Saving the collapsing timeline cost Corim Vale his right arm and half of his soul, proving that the best of intentions can lead one to the abyss. In Corim’s case, literally. 

For the Protectorate, things have gone as wrong as they can go. Meridian Arcturan’s attempt to destroy time has left Eternity’s chronology scrambled. The near catastrophe has left Aarlen Frielos, the Shael Dal’s most skilled time diver, her mate Beia, and three of the powerful Crescent Moon band soul-lost and comatose. To restore them, Corim needs to retrieve Aarlen’s missing spiritual essence. Finding the lost soul is simple. Getting it back from the death goddess who stole it that might offer a bit of a challenge… 

As a newly appointed gamma class Protectorate enforcer, Corim has no choice but to hit the chronology running as Eternity is besieged by marauding aliens, Kriar insurgencies, and mad wizards who simply refuse to die. If that wasn’t enough to deal with, the mind patterns of an ancient magestrix are inexorably overwhelming his body…Read More

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Genemar War Saga–The following the adventures of Vhina T’Evagduran:

  1. Child of Ascendants 
  2. The Karanganoi Gambit
  3. The Chyrith Agenda
  4. Gaea’s Revenge
  5. The Infinite Child

Series Description:

The Genemar War Saga carries on the story of the children of Gaea through Vhina Starfist-T’Evagduran, offspring of legendary beings and herself a battle master, and the struggle to protect the Ring Realms from the threat of the Chyrith, a race so powerful that entire universes fall under their evil sway…

A Ring Realms Novel: Genemar War Saga Book 1: Child of Ascendants 3d coverBook 1: Child of Ascendants

For Vhina Starfist-T’Evagduran, 4th Princess of Malan, adventure is a hereditary trait. With a reality-controlling savant for a father and an elven mistress of elements for a mother, Vhina has lived in the shadow of larger-than-life legends. Trained almost from birth in the arts of battle, she can only wonder why, given that there is no war or even the hint of one.

Until now…Read More

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Other Ring Realms Novels

King's Steel, A Novel Set in the Ring Realms d cover

King’s Steel, A Novel Set in the Ring Realms by John R. Morris

Kallan Garrik is hunting the soulstealers who killed his wife. His determination and skill at eliminating these murderous predators earn him command of the elite Hunter’s Brigade.  A position known as The King’s Steel.

Thirty moons of tracking and killing have left him jaded and hollow. So, he is caught off guard when a routine investigation puts him on the trail of the most powerful and bloodthirsty adversary of his career.

A trail of victims leads him to Castle Basset where he meets the alluring and mysterious hunter, Vala. Even together, they are all but devastated by the monster’s strength. While recovering from their injuries, they learn their overwhelming opponent is but one of many. Their leader is focused on getting revenge against both their kingdoms…Read More

Author Page 

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